The United Church in Meadowood

Whoever you are, just as you are, God loves you.  No exceptions.

A site banner with the message "Building Community--Making a Difference"

Welcome to our website!

Congregation of UCiM all in orange T-shirts on Orange Shirt Day

UCiM is a vibrant community of faith, bearing witness to God’s presence in our world and actively loving our neighbours as Jesus taught. We are an affirming, inclusive community of faith and we invite you to get to know us.

We acknowledge:

That our church building is located on Treaty One territory, the ancestral land of the Anishinaabeg, Anishininewuk, Dakota Oyate, Denesuline and Nehethowuk Nations and is the Homeland of the Red River Métis. We acknowledge that Winnipeg’s water is sourced from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation (Treaty Three) and much of our electricity comes from Treaty Five.

In the spirit of Reconciliation, we share responsibility for respecting and honouring treaty relationships, in this generation and those to come.

The United Church in Meadowood (UCiM) is part of the United Church of Canada (UCC) and a member of Affirm United

An Introduction

Our Worship

Worship is the heartbeat of UCiM! Our services are dynamic and available in-person and online. It is a time to connect with God and each other, and to reflect on the joys and challenges we face in our world. We warmly invite children, teens and adults to participate with us in worship, just as they are. Including you!


UCiM is a community where you can belong and get involved in ways that make sense to you. We invite our neighbours to join us we pursue a variety of  educational, special interest and activity programs. Consistent with our values, 10 community groups already share our building. Our mission includes advocating for people who face injustice and supporting groups that engage those most vulnerable in our city.

The Greening of UCiM

In the summer of 2024, we installed a geo-thermal heat pump system on our property. When we made the decision to commit to this project, we discovered a deep passion for acting now for the future. We came to believe that not only was there reason for hope but that we wanted to be a beacon of hope for others around us. God calls us to this mission.

Our Annual Report

Our Annual Report is available for review. If you have questions, please contact the office at or call 204-256-7002.

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