Sunday Worship is at 10:30am throughout the year
Page Contents

Programs for Children
Our amazing children’s programs are lead by people who are trained and supervised to be enthusiastic guides. For health and safety reasons, we require that all children are registered as they join us.
The Lamb's Corner -- ages 0-3
Your child is always welcome to remain with you during the worship service, but the cozy play area in the MacAskill Room is there if you need it. Located just off the sanctuary, it has a large window so that you can follow the service while your child enjoys the toys and books.
Children's Church -- ages 4-10
We offer a supervised time of games, crafts, and stories for your children ages 4-10 each Sunday. Children leave for Children’s Church in the auditorium, partway through the worship service.

Messy Church
All ages are welcome at Messy Church, a monthly Friday evening of fun, faith and food. We dig into crafts, science , games and interactive worship in — of course — wonderfully messy ways! Even the meal fits the theme.
Camp Meadowood
Camp Meadowood is a great full-day summer camp for ages 4-10. It is a place to meet other kids, learn about God, play games, do science experiments and create crafts, outdoors as much as possible. A fee is charged and bursaries are available.
Fun for All
Join us throughout the year for multi-generational events, including potlucks, Advent Cookies & Carols, Movie Nights and more.

Programs for Youth
Hey! Are you in grades 5-12 and looking to connect with others?
UCiM has something for you!
Connect! -- Grades 5-8
If you have a pre-teen, Connect! is built with them in mind. Occurring at the same time as the worship service, this group will dive into biblical themes using animated videos, games, experiments and creations.
Talking Teens -- Grades 7-12
Seasonal pop-up events throughout the year will engage our teens. In addition, they have opportunities to mix with other teen groups:
The Travelling Youth Group
The Traveling Youth Group for teens is a monthly Friday evening meet up with teens from other United Churches.
Province-wide Events
Once in October and in February, our teens have a chance to attend a weekend province-wide retreat.

If you have questions about any of these programs, please contact the office.
“I didn’t know church could be like this. You are so open and accepting.”
A visitor from Brazil
Activities for Adults
For additional ways to become involved at UCiM, check out our list of volunteer opportunities for service. Your particular strengths and experience could be a perfect fit!

Our Choir is an important part of worship and if you like to sing, we would love to welcome you. Just speak to our Music Director, Jeremy Vallance. He has brought new energy to the Choir and to the entire congregation. Come, join the fun!
Adult Learning Opportunities are offered for members and for the public. In the year 2023-24, we offered workshops and guest speakers on: Reconciliation, Climate & Agriculture, Indigenous fiction, Dealing with Grief, Caring for the Caregivers and more.

The UCW (United Church Women) meets monthly to hear from engaging speakers and to plan for projects. Outside those meetings, we help out at fellowship events and coordinate funeral receptions. All women are welcome to be part of the UCW.
The Kitchen Monitors, part of UCW, have food handling training and take care of most of our food-related activities. You will want to get to know us!
The Men’s Group is committed both to cultivating friendships and serving others. We meet monthly to share a meal, organize for service and learning and host many meals. All men are welcome to join our monthly meetings.

Our dedicated Gardeners Group grows a wide variety of vegetables “out back” each summer and delivers the harvest to organizations like West Broadway Community Ministry, Marlene Street Resource Centre, Alpha House and Teen Stop Jeunesse.
Our Library, maintained by volunteer librarians, offers Bible reference books, adult literature, movies, children’s books and more! Everyone is free to borrow books, then return them in 2 weeks and look for more.

The Memorial Fund accepts donations in memory of deceased members and non-members of UCiM. These funds are used to contribute to the beautification and improvement of our church building.
The Senior’s Lunch is a monthly UCiM drop-in held on the second Tuesday of the month. It is a great time to renew acquaintances.
The Woodcarvers Group meets on Monday mornings. They enjoy the time together while they work on projects. Some have shown their work at interprovincial competitions . . . and won!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides a pastoral care service. Members of this group create and provide Prayer Shawls/Squares to individuals in times of illness, grief and loss, and also to children upon their baptism.
If you have questions about any of these programs, please contact the office.
“[UCiM] provides space and programs to various community groups, including Girl Guides for over 30 years, and has been an important resource for our community.”
Allison Rempel, Guider 168th Embers Unit
UCiM exists because volunteers here make things happen. We sit on Committees, sing in the Choir, tend the perennial beds and spring-clean the kitchen. We make it possible to provide supplies, time, meals and financial support to outside groups and to offer space free of charge to our neighbours.
We understand this to be part God’s call to us and invite you to join us in this work, as appropriate. The range of opportunities for service is wide.
Neighbours Who Share Our Building
The Meadowood Seniors Club
The Meadowood Seniors Club (MSC) meets on Tuesday afternoons, 1-3. There is always tea and a chance to chat but many times a guest presenter attends to educate or entertain.
The St. Vital Art Group
The St. Vital Art Group meets on Wednesday mornings 9-11. It has roughly 30 members and a waiting list of hopeful others. The group holds a Show and Sale at UCiM in April.
Embers, a branch of the Girl Guides of Canada for 7-8 year olds, meets on Wednesday evenings. Their focus is on fun, nature discovery and skill development.
Baby and Me
Baby and Me is a drop-in program for families with new babies, held on Wednesday afternoons 1-3. Youville Centre operates this weekly group.
The Quilters Group (MSC)
The Quilters Group gathers on Thursdays from 9-3 to work on individual quilting projects. They meet year round and charge an annual membership fee.
Chair Yoga Drop-in (MSC)
Chair Yoga Drop-in offers a class every Monday at 12:30 noon for a nominal fee.
College Jean Sauve Choir
College Jeanne Sauve has an excellent choir that practices in our building, Wednesdays 1-1:45 and Fridays 12:30-1:10. They also hold their concerts at UCiM.
Alzheimers Support Group
The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba supplies the expertise for this group for caregivers. They group meet the second Monday of the month at 2.
Women of Note Choir
Women of Note is an auditioned community choir for women. They meet for practices Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7-9.
Spirits Call
Spirits Call is a community choir open to any who would like to sing. This group meets to practice on Mondays 6:30-8 and charges a fee for each term.